Sunday, April 22, 2018

Inspirational Artist

This week I put a post up on facebook. Here is what the post said. "I am an Inspirational Artist. I will no longer label myself a Christian Hip Hop Artist. If you still want to label me as such I’m ok with that and will accept the title and affiliation. I inspire people with a gospel message through the arts. I rap, sing, dance, recite poetry, play instruments and body percussion etc. Pastors and Congregations will shut you down and not give you a platform because of the word “Hip Hop” in the title Christian Hip Hop. The world will shut you down and tune you out because of the word “Christian” in Christian Hip Hop. But everyone loves to be inspired. My message will never change. Musical seeds of righteousness will always be planted. Just what I call myself has changed so I’m not prejudged by the people I need to reach. #InspirationalArtist" . 
Needless to say I have received mixed reactions since I posted this. I thought the post was very clear? Maybe not. Please comment after reading this and let me know if the post is clear in communicating that I am still a Christian artist and my message will not change. I would like for everyone to be clear. I am still a Christian. In no way am I turning away from the faith or the Christian message that my music has had for the last 16 years. My message will still promote biblical principles and righteous living. Like I said in another post it will always be All Glory Go To God None to me for me.

People have called me a sellout or said it seems like you are selling out since I posted that post. Senior saints have come to me and told me I can always repent no matter what and come back to the lord. It's funny how we always jump to conclusions when someone changes their title. As long as I am not doing anything or saying anything in my music that does not line up with the word of God you have nothing to worry about. None of that will ever happen. I am to rooted and grounded in the word. As they say I am to indoctrinated for that.

Let me give you insight into how all of this came about. My management team has been talking to Pastors. The question was asked to a Pastor in his 60's would you allow this young man RIFICA to perform at your church if he came to you and said I'm a Christian Hip Hop Artist. The Pastor said no. That is called straddling the fence and we can't have that in the church. You have to pick a side. The Pastor said this due to the negative connotation that the word "Hip Hop" has. The member of my management team then asked the Pastor would you let RIFICA perform in your church if he told you that he was an Inspirational artist. The Pastor then said yeah. I will let an inspirational artist perform at my church all day long. That is what brought about the decision to change what I will present myself as from a Christian Hip Hop Artist to an Inspirational artist. 

This is the type of stuff that has been happening to us Gospel Rappers since the late 1980's when Christian Hip Hop began. For decades Pastors and congregations have been opposed to Christian Rap artist. They have said it is of the world. It has gotten much better, and more accepted in all sorts of churches in Houston. However, in Las Vegas I feel like it's a time warp, and I'm back in the early millennium when I started rapping professionally again. There are a lot of churches, and church people out here that do not accept Christian Rap yet. When I moved here I thought they would be more forward thinking than the South in that regard, but that has not been the case. Last year a distant relative of mine who is a minister told me that Christian Rap is of the devil. That was 2017. We are still dealing with that type of judgement and opposition in 2017 and 2018. It's ridiculous. I know the gift God gave me. I know the lives he has caused me to touch, inspire, and aid in getting saved due to the gift and calling he gave me and others like me. I have seen the power of God work through Christian Hip Hop and draw people to the alter to get saved and cause people to worship the Lord. It hurt when that relative said that but I just decided to no longer communicate with her and keep pushing. I can not allow negativity regarding my destiny and calling to be in my life. That type of thing is toxic to the vision God placed within me being fulfilled.

Christian Rappers get it from both sides. People in the world will not listen to us because of the "Christian" in Christian Hip Hop or the "Gospel" in Gospel Rap. Other Christian Rappers and Christians will say we are not supposed to change for the world. They say that is selling out. I say as long as our message remains the same we should change what we have to to be able to reach the lost souls we need to reach with our message. How can we Out reach if we never reach outside the church. Christian Rappers are on the front lines drawing the people to the Lord. We go to the clubs and bars, apartment complexes, store parking lots, streets etc. and bring the gospel message to the people. We can not forget about them just because we in church saved and good. Peoples eternity is on the line. Matthew 10:16 Behold I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. The wise part is changing the Christian to inspirational so those people in the world will not turn a deaf ear to our message. We must continue to raise up Christ to draw them to him. John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. But what does it matter what we called ourselves? People always get so caught up in titles in the church. If we really real Yeshua did not call himself a Christian. That is a man made terminology to identify our beliefs due to Yeshua being the Christ, and the fact that Christians are to be Christ like. Therefore the term was embraced by early believers in Jesus Christ. 

So yes I am a Christian. If you would like to call me a Christian Rapper, Christian Hip Hop Artist, Gospel Artist, Gospel Rapper or whatever. Feel free to. I will not deny it. I am ok with you putting whatever Christian label you would like to put on me. However, when I present myself to Pastors, Churches, Bars, Clubs, Venues, Casinos, Schools etc. my management team and I will tell them I am an Inspirational Artist so that their hearts and minds will remain open to what I have to present to them. If you do not like it please pray for me and give me to God.

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