Saturday, January 24, 2015


     First off all glory go to God none to me. It's been a long while since I've had a chance to talk to you. It has been about a year or two since I used to send out my quarterly emails to RIFICA supporters like yourself. Now I'm back doing it in the form of a blog. I hope you have been doing well and experiencing Gods favor on your life. We have to realize if we have our health that is a blessing in itself that alot of people do not get to enjoy. Amen.

     Hopefully you have had a chance to check out my new website . Everything you want to know about me can and will be found there. The website has been getting great feedback. If there is anything not on the website that you would like to see please don't hesitate to click the contact link and let me know. All of my music is available on the site. Even hard copies of my very first CD "Motivation" from 2005. I was in college when I made that album so it deals with a lot of the things that young adults have to deal with on a college campus. I put it on here because although it may not be my best work I know that people like to go back and check out the early stuff from artist they enjoy.

     As you know I'm currently working on my 3rd album "Fresh Manna". That is why I chose the title pic that you see in the left corner of this post. The album is coming along nicely. With every song recorded I realize why God put it in my heart to title the album this. When I tell people the title they are always very intrigued. The album is called "Fresh Manna" for 2 reasons. I wanted to give my listeners a fresh new sound and approach in Holy Hip Hop. God told me to go ahead and do all of the musical ideas that he has given me through the years. He instructed me not to wait until a later date. The most important reason the album is titled "Fresh Manna" if because of the fresh word and ministry that will go forth on this album. There are alot of things that have not really been addressed in the body of Christ. Mainly because a lot of the new things were not around when the Bible was written. For instance the internet , and social media will be addressed heavily on this album. I chose to write songs about the big 3, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Facebook features Educator, and DJ 1 God. There is a song called "Download" that is a rave track featuring DJ Nonchalant on the 1's and 2's and Rev. Rob. Another song on the album that deals with the current times is an alternative rock/ pop track called "Popularity Contest". Just like with my other 4 musical projects you can expect there to be diverse music on the album that has something for every demographic to enjoy. I even do some trap which I really don't like to do.

     Other featured artist on this project include Poetic Prophet, Living Epistle, Trinity, Immortal, Flash, Donovan Charles, Briana Amor, Uncle Earl, and Riley Music Nation. I'm very excited about the cypher that will be on the project. It's to an unconventional beat that you wouldn't expect one to rap to but I guarantee it will be enjoyable. It will take you back to a classic movie with an all star cast in the 80's all while giving God GLORY .

     If the Lord says the same I hope to have a listening party to choose what tracks will make the album. I also would like to have an album release party for this album which is something I've never done before. This is a very busy time in my life. I love putting out quality music for you so its worth it!

     While the album is in the mixing and mastering phases I also plan to work on and finally release a music video for "Gospel Step". It will happen in the name of Jesus. There will be lots of music videos in the future for songs from "Fresh Manna". I already have several ideas brewing for songs from the album currently.

     Until next time I pray that you experience Gods best in your life, and for your life. Always remember the Righteous In Faith InCrease Abundantly. Every Christian is RIFICA because every Christian should be Righteous In Faith InCreasing Abundantly. Its not about me.


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